they would be older by they year theyre,because the older pencil is lower down,papers are piled the pencils are between,because it is hard and white.,because the pencils go under the paper g,the paper is stacked and pencils between,they would be older by theyyeartheremade,becausethedeeperthelayer the older it is,follis are old,because the older pencil is on the botem,the one that is older looks more rusty.,because there are layers of dirt on top,the pencils are baried in the paper,because you can tell whitch is older,theoldestfossilwilltakelongertodigup,becose the new layers go on top old laye,pencils are like fossels buried in dirt.,becaus the new layer go on top old layer,the would breack down,the newest are on top tons of layers.,the older fossil/pencil would bottom,