cause da pencilunder layers of paper are,they oldes are on the bottom,between the layers,pencils = bones newspaper=rocks,because their both in columns,thepencilsarefossilsandthepapersaredirt.,the lower the p is, the older it is.,deeper is older higher is newer,the ones on the bottem are the oldest.,older=worn new=not worn,the older the folsle is the depper it is,because the pencils/papers are old (rock,the oldest one is on the bottom.,its like the fossils are inside the rock,pen are the fossils and the news is dirt,they are preserved and down=old up=new,fossils barred in rocks after time,penc get old. the oldr penc the mor worn,the oldest ones are on the bottom.,derp the sherp,newspaper=rock pencail=bones,they are both buried and one is deeper,the fossils are old, the news have date,