be patient,always forgive,plan ahead,be kind,love all,be nice to everyone,be grateful,be thankful,help strangers,dont be a hog,appreciate what you,forgive others !!!!!,help everyone,think,kindness ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉),know your abilities,give second chances,be caring,don't rush,enjoy life,forgive,forgive people,think before you act,be loving,be prepared and kind,always plan ahead,be trusting,be a samaritan,love thy neibor,be king,be good neighbors,give a second chance,be nice,do not be a fool,always be prepared,be loyal,always believe,take the time to hel,help your neighbors,take ur time,be good,be kind to everyone,be nice to everybody,never leave someone,have faith,be kind to others.,help you neighbors,always help people,forgive and forget,nobody left behind,give things a chance,waiting is important,take the right path,always be kind,stay together,find that one sheep,