pour mieux comprendre je veux savoir...,what did they eat, did they starve?,did people agree on the confederation,what did they eat on a regular basis .,quels types de maisons avait-ils?,money,ils n'ont pas voudrais du change,did they speak english,did they have birthdays,was the languge hard to speak,what wepons did they have,how many were there ????,what was thie languge,deration,how long did they live,did they have a currency,did the first nations agree on the confe,what money did they use,what was thie religion,how many tribes where their,what did they do for money,easy to compromise with other nations?,did they like the confederation,was their wars in between the tribes,cooperation entre la gouvernement & fnmi,difficulty hunting in winter?,did they get unwound ever?,what did they wear,was thire jobs for people,.,what was their diet,how long were lifespans,did the diff tribes of the fnmi agreeeee,what clothes they wore,first nations,qu'est-ce que nous savons?,native people hate the government,what did the mother have to do,what was peoples roles back then,we re missing what kind of people they r,how are the fmni people treated?,we are missing stuff like thier house,la terre de rupert il y na pas de confe,what do we dooooo ???????????,la terre de rupart,inuit,what did the most think of confederation,how did the confedaration happen,were there schools,what were tepees made of,they trade coooool things,how did the inuits stay warm,who are they,how big were their families,how they lived,what was their jobs,were they good people or bad people,what was there jobs,government takes all the land,les fienies,