how are you?,what happend,i wish you were there,what sports did you play on that day ?,had a nice time,i miss you,ball games,we played tennis and cricket,young dumb low high school kids ?,•hope you get better soon!,get well soon!,i even learned to play in a sack race.,jake sacco was hurt in the knee.,i know you re sad,we played dutchball,the team who won got a cup and who came,we played football, basketball and more,i made 10 baskets in basketball ?,i hope you get well soon,time passed really fast,we had a very good time,io,talk to you soon,wish that you wee there,get better soon,hope to hear from you soon,they gave medals.i won silver!,i hope you get better soon,i wish you could have been there with us,i had part in an egg and spoon race.,i hope too hear from you soon,we played lots of sports like soccer.,we played ball games,races,dear lan,hope to see you soon!,i hope you are feeling ok,i wish you were with us,-are you better? :),i hope you are feeling better.,had lessons about sports,hello ian! how are you?,•dear ian,ask if he feels better,games,i hope you are better,we played football,we played football and basketball,time flew by so quickly,we played many sports like basketball,the sports day was so much fun,i was very excited to start playing badm,played basketball too,we played handball,i learned to play american football,what are you up too,how are you doing,-get well soon :-d,* get well soon,