comfortable,no,noo,go ducks,fuzzy,e g g,easy,colorful,get cool,akward silence,cute,there lit and there from gucci,bridesmaid,lit,shoes that go on my feet,kith x nike air maestro ii qs: soft,swag(swag),running,athletech,solo,slim,stupid monkey,there trash,smart monkey,that monkey,love,they are for people with autisum,this monkey,there monkey,alone,an epic gamer moment,fits nice,2,only 1 pair,zaa,gamer shoes,?,3racha,yoke,n,better than gucci,thanks! type another answer here!,shrek,3,yiff,1,there from family guy,how about go home,sorry for putting a lot of monkeys,o ducks,i only have 1 pair,stupidmonkey,birkenstock,normal,small monkey,matches,fat monkey,fashionable,slim monkey,green and yellow,red monkey,nooo,wareable,like walking on clouds,a pair of shoes that i can ware,oregon ducks,they is cool,wonderful,nice,stylish,gucci,big monkey,match my clothes,noooo,practical,ultra lit lmao,jordans,doc martins,fiona,pink monkey,....,there a light up,grey monkey,soft,black,blue monkey,nike lunarepic flynets,yellow monkey,nike,green monkey,vans,it's like you're staring god in the eyes,nike 97's,booo beavers,