build rapport with schools and students,quality supervision practices,more onsistency in monitoring progress,efficiency,record & report better,incorporating gross motor into curric,develop expertise and support my peers,get kids moving!!!,goal setting with and for students,focus on outcome measurements,collaboration,research,outcomes,familiarity with service provision in do,time management.,ensuring there is appropriate inclusion,get kids moving,be more relaxed,efficient use of time,get profilesout within one week,self mastery & independence for students,relationships,colaboration & communication w families,expand professional skill set,use mentoring skills more in my work,more consistency in monitoring progress,empower teachers and teacher aides,developing coaching skills,effective educator,clear, focused and shared service goals,build strong rapport with hoses,student input goal directed,child included in decision making,stricter start and finish times,partnership with parents,measure outcomes consistently,time management,use switch road map monitoring students,understanding of best practices,reframe- belonging, engaging, ac success,happy students,evidenced based practice,fun working relationships,work on my relationships with school tea,meaningful efficient collaboration,compassionate service provision,commencing new project to improve exec f,get my progress notes done on the same d,be valuable to my school communities,build capacity to be inclusive educators,manage my time better for admin tasks,happy staff,closer measuring of student outcomes,collaborate,take time to build relationships,seek student input+ be more goal centred,collaborative goal setting,students achieving goals,to be getting mobility profiles out with,reviewing of goal setting in documentati,timely progress notes!!!,use ipad to improve work efficiency,pi to b fully included in school enviro,higher student outcome expectations,positive outcomes,student goal setting,consolidate roots of leadership,