porn,clarity around extreme/ongoing behaviour,continue the good work,students engaged in challenging activiti,children flourish,continued stability,maintain positivity & support for staff,christian character as a focus,more focus on christian studies,working within a supportive community,improved team work,review of maintenance/gardens in jnr sch,continue to build & consolidate programs,expand year 1 rooms :),collective responsibility,staff flourish,cark park,car park,clear direction from god,quality rather than quantity,team teaching extended,everyone stay hydrated!,open to change,arts intergrated as embodied learning,god continue to demonstrate faithfulness,maintaining work/life balance,more toilets built....,children to know jesus,gnt program that is incredible,success for our boys,strong supportive efficient teams,renovated y3 rooms,new mindset,embracing change,boys forward,staff feeling suppoerted,continued continuity,