plan out all assignments in a planner,to check oncourse everyday for new info,do not procrastinate readings,use office hours to your advantage!,stay on task when completing assignments,schedule times to check in weekly,take notes and study from them,remember to do the work,routinely check oncourse your email!,checking emails and oncourse everyday,take advantage of office hours !,begin your final project early on,buddy up with other classmates to study!,create a schedule and stick! to! it!,try to finish at least 1 thing everyday,make sure you ask questions,set a reminder on phone for assignments!,stay on top of assignments,don't procrastinate!,plan out assignments/quizzes in agenda!,apply online course time to your agenda.,eliminate distractions,ask for help when you're confused,read directions,be organized- lacey ostrye,plan ahead!,ask questions and provide feedback!,read all material assigned,be determined to succeed,in your mind change the due dates before,email the professor if you have question,