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Are you organizing a conference and would like some promotional material for sharing AnswerGarden with your attendees? Or would you like paper handouts for a classroom assignment? Check out these ready-to-print AnswerGarden goodies:

Handout #1: AnswerGarden Factsheet 2014


Several AnswerGardeners have created demonstration videos in a variety of languages. How fantastic is that? Check out the following YouTube playlist for these AnswerGarden tutorials. And if you also created a tutorial and it is not yet listed, please let us know and we will add your video!

iPad App

We've recently launched a free iPad app! The new AnswerGarden for iPad app makes it easier to connect your AnswerGarden to your audience as it automatically detects AnswerGardens that are shared over local WIFI networks.

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MicroGarden is a very compact interface for AnswerGarden. You can use MicroGarden as a blind poll: polling without showing the results instantly. Have a look at MicroGarden.